Kobweb Spinner

Standard drill attachment.

1. To use spinner unscrew and remove cap and nearly fill chamber with KOBWEB Solution. With spring in place replace cap and tighten securely, finger tight. Attach to standard variable speed DIY Drill capable of speeds up to 2000-2400 rpm. To produce good cobwebs it is vital that the container gap, the outside and the fins are kept when spinning. Stop and clean down if they are not.

2. PRACTICE - to get it right for the actual job. Use suitable personal protective equipment. In a suitable area, spin momentarily ensuring that rotation is clockwise viewed from the rear so that filaments will be blown forward. If required, protect floor say with cardboard covering. Provide a landing area for the cobwebs, say a tallish cardboard box with 2 or 3 strings across at 3 - 4 foot high. Stand well back say 3 - 4 feet from where you require filaments to land and crack open the cap of the spinner by unscrewing the knurled nut the merest fraction and spin to see if filaments are extruded. If not, gradually slacken the nut by tiny increments until this happens. N.B. If the gap is too wide the solution could be thrown out as a wet spray - so err on the side of being too tight. Chuck speed can affect quality, 2000 revs. could be a good starting point but different speeds could be tried.

3. APPLICATION. The cobwebs will drape onto a variety of objects over corners and ledges. Thin cotton or nylon thread can be used across the area for the cobwebs to cling to. Fullers Earth dusted on the webs can be used to reduce shine when filming. Also, if appropriate, FBX Snocene aerosol spayed very carefully with minimum force over the top of the webs bulks up the appearance. Unmolested, the webs will last for ages, eg. months. REMEMBER - Stand well back when spinning to give time for the solvent in the solution to flash-off and allow dry filaments to land on object (not wet solution, which is more difficult to clean off). Dry filaments clean off readily after use. They are not harmful and are flame retardant. They do not burn on application of a flame. The Kobweb solution and cleaner are also flame resistant. It is often easier to spin webs in warm conditions i.e. 20C, since the solvent flashes off more easily.

4. PRECAUTIONS. With any extended spraying provide ventilated atmosphere to minimise vapour concentration. Use personal protective equipment e.g. goggles, overalls, gloves etc. as required. With any danger of concentration etc. use self contained breathing apparatus and take a breather in fresh air from time to time. Also please be aware of the danger of the spinning fan blades and the metal supports. The product contains solvents so be careful of polished or valuable surfaces. Make small trials first.

5. FINALLY Clean spinner well with Cleaning Solution using gloves. The body - particularly around the rim - and the fins need to kept clean and the fin angles need to remain to create forward thrust to ensure best effects. As with anything, it needs a little practice to spin confident webs but with a little perseverance you will get there!






  • Specifications
  • Use Drill attachment

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