
Special effect 450ml aerosol.

1. Best results are obtained if can is warm. Keep can in normal warm room (20 degrees Centigrade/68 degrees Fahrenheit) for several hours before use or warm the can in hand hot water (50 degrees C. max.) for two minutes.

2. Shake can well. Spray with can upright from about 15 inches away. Build up with thin layers to avoid cracking particularly if can is cold.

3. After use invert can and spray to clear nozzle. In case of blockage nozzle and clear with pin.

4. Remove spray with plastic spatula or similar scraper. Clean any residues with hot soapy water or white spirit, turps or meths.

5. Do not spray on polished surfaces and sensitive materials. Try a small unobtrusive area first.

6. Due to environmental considerations the propellant is ozone-friendly but flammable. No CFC. The snow is non-toxic and flame resistant after gas evaporation (i.e. a few minutes).





  • Specifications
  • Size 450ml

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