Sharpness Indicator "Putora"

Sharpness Indicator.

The Sharpness Indicator 7A9 Chart is made up of test-targets with concentric circles printed on a Reference Field Level background. The background has the same reflectance as the average reflectance of the targets. When a target appears to blend with the background, the 7A9 Chart indicates that the target is beyond the sharpness of the system being tested. The concentric circles that make up each of the test targets on the Sharpness Indicator 7A9 Chart are calibrated in the degree of sharpness (DS). Use the 7A9 Chart solo to check sharpness and back focus of any optical system or use it to check critical focus on a production set. Among the uses are the ability to instantly determine the resolution of any lens/camera system, set critical focus at any distance, set or check back-focus of any lens/camera system, and, compare resolution between various film and video formats.





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